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MFC - Independent return home interviews

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MFC – Return Home Interviews
Supporting and safeguarding children and young people who run away from care.
Many homes struggle with no fault of their own to meet the ‘statutory guidance on children who run away or go missing from home or care’ (January 2014). Positive Care Consultancy can provide fully trained independent return interviewers to meet with children and young people within 72 hours of their return home.

The interview is an in-depth conversation with the child or young person and will not be the regulation 44 visitor of that home.

By law, when a child is found after running away from care, they must be offered an independent return interview. These interviews are essential in uncovering information that protects children from the risk of going missing again and to provide them with the appropriate support moving forward.

Our Independent return interviewers will:
• Establish why the child has runaway e.g., what the child may be running away from or to (also known as push and pull factors)
• Establish what experiences the child may have encountered whilst they were missing and help them to understand the risks they faced/are facing
• Help the child feel safe and understand that they have options to prevent future instances
• Put them in touch with services or individuals who can support them moving forward
• Provide the child with information on how to stay safe should they go missing in the future e.g., helpline numbers

Completing return to care interviews also means that professionals can share information, with the consent of the child, to ensure an appropriate package of care is in place, identify specific areas of concern or patterns of behaviour for those who run away and highlight ‘hotspots’ of activity and risks in local areas.

Please contact us on for further information.

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